Autodesk Inventor Professional 2019 – Freiform-Flächenkonstruktion

The difference between organic and geometric shapes (freeform modeling)
Organic shapes are also called curvilinear that are made up of curves, angles or both. Their main characteristics are curving appearance and smooth flowing outline. They look natural and are mostly found in leaves, flowers, plants and animals. Organic shapes are out there in the natural world, created by the environment. Being free form, they don’t have uniformity and perfect measurements, which is the exact opposite of geometric shapes.
Although they may also appear in nature, geometric shapes are products of man- e.g.: rectangles, squares, triangles – which are building blocks of design and construction. With the technological revolution, man can now create structures and buildings mimicking organic shapes.
Geometric shapes:
Are circles, rectangles, squares, triangles and so on - have the clear edges one achieves when using tools to create them. Most geometric shapes are made by humans, though crystals are also considered to be geometric despite the fact that they are made in nature.
Organic shapes:
Are shapes, with a natural look and a flowing and curving appearance. Organic shapes and forms are typically irregular or asymmetrical. Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.